The Canberra Hospital
Intensive Care Unit Expansion
Client: ACT Health
Builder: Manteena Commercial Pty Ltd
Duration: Current
Project Value: $450,000
- Pre sanitization of water supply
- Storm water drainage
- Toilet flushing water
- Cold water supply
- Hot water supply
- Supply & installation of TMV’s
- Fire hydrant & hose reels
- Relocation of existing fire hydrant

Design (to the extent specified) & Construction of the Intensive Care Unit Expansion at the Canberra Hospital.
The scope of works include an eight bed expansion of the existing Intensive Care Unit at level 3 and extending over the services road, works within the existing building fabric for connections and transition zones, emergency stair egress alterations and construction. Works includes fixed furniture and equipment, and all finishes and fittings to provide a ‘fit for purpose’ Intensive Care Unit expansion as shown in the Principal’s documents.
Required works include demolition, location and assessment of existing services, and any assessment of existing materials unsuitable for incorporation into construction with recommendations for alternatives, all as required to ensure continuity of hospital operations and construction of expansion.